Introduction to UNEP blog!
Hi delegates, in this post you'll find some brief bios about all your lovely chairs and learn what the purpose of this blog is! Chair Bios To start off, my name is Emily Yan and I will be your head chair for UNEP at BMUN 66! I am a third year at UC Berkeley studying Environmental Science and Environmental Economics and Policy. I'm from a small town called Palos Verdes in sunny Southern California. My favorite trees are ginkgo trees (you'll be able to find some scattered throughout Berkeley) and I am absolutely obsessed with corgis (those cute little dogs that have gone viral). My three vice chairs are Sarah Xu, Michael Eliot, and Dylan Alcantara. Sarah is a freshman studying Environmental Economics and Policy from Albany, CA. She enjoys reading bad poetry, over-caffeinating, and exploring the San Francisco Bay Area. She is committed to learning about new ideas and expanding her worldview everyday! Michael is a third year Computer Science major at Berkeley,...